Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Soul Food Sunday

Waffles with butter and syrup....check. Buttery warm biscuits....check. Blood Mary......check. Fried Chicken.....CHECK.

This past Sunday, I hitched up to Harlem with my friend Tim to soul food it up. Sylvia's, another New York institution, is the Sunday hot spot for church goers, tourists, and general lovers of greasy, but delicious soul food. I was informed that Bill Clinton almost always pays Sylvia's a visit when comes to New York.

From 116th and Broadway Tim and I took a cab to Malcolm X Boulevard and 126th. We walked the single block to the restaurant that was lit up with flashing lights as if it were a Vegas night club. We were greeted, seated in the main dining room, and then served by a super sweet waitress named Lorraine. The decor is nothing fancy--comfort and simplicity rule this landmark.

Tim had the mimosa (made with Andre!) and I had the spicy bloody mary. Fresh biscuits were immediately brought to our table. The choices on the menu were basic breakfasts: eggs, breakfast meats, biscuits, waffles, BUT the most intriguing part of the menu was indeed the Waffle-Fried Chicken morning combo.

I can honestly say, even though I've had those mornings where all I want is greasy food to absorb the polluting of my liver from the night before, I have never eaten fried chicken before noon. And let me say, I highly recommend it. I will also say, that if you feel guilty eating fried food that has very little nutritional value, exercise before you go to Sylvia's. You'll feel better.

The waffles were your typical fluffy, uninteresting sweet breakfast dish. I'm a huge syrup snob and the syrup was sub-par. Super sweet, no hint of nutty maple flavor. Bummer.

The fried chicken (I got the white meat) was unbelievable. Perfectly spiced, not too greasy, and easy to get off the bone, I was in love. Tim, trying to be polite, kept wiping his hands clean after every bite. I felt no guilt. Dive right in. Get dirty.

Sylvia's is not cheap, but it is totally worth the experience. Next time I plan on trying more of their savory dishes--barbeque, sweet potato, mac n' cheese. We left right as the Sunday post-church rush began so, if you plan to visit Sylvia's on a Sunday, come before noon.

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